ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

Award winning doctor relies on Chartware

One of 12 medical physicians given Minnesota Medical Association’s inaugural Leadership in Quality awards was health care provider, Dr. Tim Malling for introducing and developing an electronic medical record keeping system or EMR/EHR for Paynesville Area Healthcare System, in Minnesota, which has seven health care clinics and a medical emergency room. Medical provider Dr. Tim Malling won the medical award for improving health care with the implementation of ChartWare's electronic medical record system a cutting edge EMR/EHR. "Having an electronic medical record system such as ChartWare's EMR/EHR, that produces logically-arranged and legible medical records that we can access at any time has made us better doctors," Malling says. The electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR we chose ChartWare's EMR -- allows us to do anything we want. I don’t think there is another electronic medical record, EMR/EHR, program out there that would meet the needs of a diverse group of health care providers like ours. The improvements in clinical efficiency with ChartWare's electronic medical record system can be seen most clearly in the practice’s medical emergency room where many patients arrive without any precise idea of their clinical history.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare technology lowers the risk of medical error

Technology will eventually play a major role and as the information overload gets worse there is really no other solution that is tenable,according to Dr Kevin Johnson, of Vanderbilt School of Medicine, a panel member. ChartWare's CEO Dr. David Tully-Smith agrees. With computerized electronic medical record-keeping, EMR and electronic health records, EHR the same health care providers who prescribe a drug can now order it directly using ChartWare's electronic medical record, EMR/EHR a computerized electronic medical record-keeping system. The health care provider no longer asks a medical assistant, who may not be familiar with the the drug, to try to read their writing and their personal abbreviations and call it in to a pharmacy. Even if there is no mistake with clinical data on paper medical records at the time, future problems often occur when the paper medical record cannot be found. When a medical provider using ChartWare's electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR prescribes a drug, it is automatically entered not just into the prescription medical record but also into a list of medications the patient is taking and the clinical treatment log too. That alone radically lowers the chances of a dangerous medical error when the patient needs further clinical treatment.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare's business alliance with VisualMed

Visual Healthcare Corp. (Montreal, Quebec) (VSHC.PK) will license its state-of-the-art medical decision support technology for inclusion in Chartware's EMR/EHR a medical office-based electronic medical record. At the same time, Chartware, a leader in the EMR/EHR marketplace will license its unique clinical note-generating interface for use in clinical information systems marketed by VisualMED Clinical Solutions Corp. The agreement underlines the complementary nature of Visual Healthcare's clinical decision support system and Chartware's vast EMR and EHR technologies that have already been adopted by thousands of health care providers. The ChartWare electronic medical record, EMR/EHR, is designed for use in clinical settings, small or large medical practices and a variety of inpatient health care settings and allows for fast, accurate and affordable clinical record keeping while the intuitive EMR/EHR user interface lets the user easily capture, manage and analyze data. The system supports an unlimited number of patient records, and is scalable to any practice size. The ChartWare Electronic Health Record is easy to install and customize for any practice or specialty.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare offers ease of documentation at the point of care

ChartWare's electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR has been under development since the 1980’s and has accrued millions of successfully charted clinical encounters. ChartWare's electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR includes a customization tool that most of our health care providers (or their medical office staff) use to tailor the medical terminology over time to accommodate each clinician’s preferences, to make sure that the medical chart note reflects each users preferred method of documentation. ChartWare's electronic medical record, EMR/EHR, is different and unique as it provides the health care provider with a comprehensive clinical knowledge-base (clinical & procedural descriptors), from one screen. Additionally, he ChartWare EMR allows even the most complex patient encounter to be fluidly charted, without the cumbersome restrictions of a template based electronic medical record system. With ChartWare's electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR, the typical patient encounter takes about 2 to 3 minutes to completely document,including clinical progress notes, coding, orders, scripts, medical consultation reports or referral letters, disability and follow-up notices, patient health education handouts and all other iterations of the visit, with essentially all clinical and clerical tasks completed by the time the patient walks out of the exam room!

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare's Electronic Health Record provides a Continuity of Care Record

The Continuity of Care Record is a standard specification being developed jointly by The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Health Information Management and System Society (HIMSS) and the ASTM International. ChartWare and early entrant into the EMR and EHR market was an early adopter of the CCR and EHR concept, which allows a patient's electronic medical record, the EMR to be exported to create and encrypted and password protected EHR, viewable with a browser such as MS Internet Explorer. ChartWare pioneered and was the first electronic medical record, EMR company to introduce a fully compliant EMR and EHR solution. The medical CCR is being developed and enhanced by the health care community in response to the need to organize and make transportable patient health data containing basic medical information consisting of the most relevant and timely facts about a patient’s health status, recent medical care provided, as well as recommendations for future medical care (care plan) and the reason for a medical referral or transfer. The goal is to create an EHR that will enable the next health care provider to easily access the patient's health and medical information at the beginning of the first health care encounter and easily update the medical information when the patient goes to another medical provider.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare's EMR improves productivity and quality of care

As a physician-driven EMR company, ChartWare has pioneered intuitive clinical documentation solutions to address today's most pressing medical practice and health care provider needs. Since 1995 ChartWare, the EMR and EHR solution specialist, has been delivering electronic medical record and clinical documentation software that is known for it's elegant functionality and ease of use. Today, ChartWare a pioneer in the world of electronic medical record and electronic health record-keeping is operational in medical facilities in over 40 states and has been successfully implemented in over 20 clinical specialties. What makes our EMR and EHR solution successful? ChartWare's electronic medical record technology is designed for doctors by doctors who understand the unique demands of clinical encounters and patient care. As health care providers, we're dedicated to improving how physicians work. A key feature of ChartWare's technology is its versatility across the spectrum of health care providers: the system is equally at home in solo medical practices and large health care organizations. ChartWare is the only electronic medical record, EMR software, suitable for both small and large medical installations, to have been awarded five stars by Family Practice Management, the official journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare the electronic documentation specialist

Ultimately a successful approach for a health care provider when implementing an electronic medical record, EMR will take into account improvements not only to clinical productivity but also to quality of patient care. As you, a health care professional, consider various electronic medical record, EMR technologies on the EMR and EHR markets, explore the range of benefits ChartWare's EMR is designed to deliver in greater depth. From time and cost-savings to a better professional quality of life for health care providers, ChartWare's EMR can help you work they way you want to work. Improving clinical performance using ChartWare's electronic record-keeping system is easily attained. ChartWare EMR customers typically gain an average of 2 hours per day in saved clinical documentation tasks and patient care management. Net result: additional time can be allocated for more patient visits or the workday shortened by 25 percent. Example: A single year for a health care provider comprised of 50 workweeks managing patients and providing health care can yield up to 500 hours of newly available time. ChartWare's EMR enables health care providers to capture precise clinical documentation at the point-of-care establishing a thorough patient medical history and ensuring timely and accurate clinical records for medical billing purposes.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare eliminates the inefficiencies associates with paper charting

ChartWare® is an award-winning electronic medical record, EMR and EHR documentation tool for creating and maintaining complete medical records. Known for its ease of use and intuitive interface, ChartWare® electronic medical record, EMR and EHR helps the medical professional streamline clinical workflow, manage critical patient medical data and improve health care provider charting accuracy at the point of medical care care. ChartWare's electronic medical record-keeping, EMR and EHR creates clinical documentation and generates medical prescriptions, lab and radiology orders, professional medical referrals, superbills and other health care related outputs. ChartWare's EMR and EHR is specifically designed to eliminate inefficiencies of paper health records and dictation and assist clinical health care providers refocus on patient health care. ChartWare® EMR and Practice Management interfaces provide seamless EMR and Practice Management integration and data sharing between various systems and the ChartWare® electronic medical record. Patient demographic and related medical practice management information is seamlessly available to ChartWare® EMR users and coding of clinical information is made available from ChartWare® EMR data directly to the practice management system users in the case of bi-directional interfaces.

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ChartWare EMR Five Star Rated Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

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Find out how the ChartWare Electronic Medical Record (EMR) can improve your practice today.

“The patients love ChartWare EMR, and I love it, too. ChartWare EMR is probably the best investment I've ever made ”

Dr. William Marsh Customer Since 2003


ChartWare eliminates the inefficiencies and expenses associated with traditional methods of creating and maintaining clinical records in favor of a streamlined system of electronic record-keeping.

Deliver Better Patient Care
Drastically reduce daily documentation tasks and you can focus on patient encounters, increase communication and improve clinical accuracy.

Improve Documentation
Unlike common EMR technology, ChartWare reflects the way you work at the point of care. You eliminate repetitive manual labor and gain valuable time.

Reduce Expense
By eliminating traditional record-keeping costs ChartWare typically pays for itself in six months. ChartWare customers report cost reductions of 25K to 50K per physician per year.

Enhance Professional Quality of Life
ChartWare can save the average physician 2 hours of documentation work per day. That's 25 percent of the typical workday that can be reallocated to patient visits without extending hours. Alternately, you can simply reduce your workday and dedicate newly available time to your own interests.

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