ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare eliminates the inefficiencies associates with paper charting

ChartWare® is an award-winning electronic medical record, EMR and EHR documentation tool for creating and maintaining complete medical records. Known for its ease of use and intuitive interface, ChartWare® electronic medical record, EMR and EHR helps the medical professional streamline clinical workflow, manage critical patient medical data and improve health care provider charting accuracy at the point of medical care care. ChartWare's electronic medical record-keeping, EMR and EHR creates clinical documentation and generates medical prescriptions, lab and radiology orders, professional medical referrals, superbills and other health care related outputs. ChartWare's EMR and EHR is specifically designed to eliminate inefficiencies of paper health records and dictation and assist clinical health care providers refocus on patient health care. ChartWare® EMR and Practice Management interfaces provide seamless EMR and Practice Management integration and data sharing between various systems and the ChartWare® electronic medical record. Patient demographic and related medical practice management information is seamlessly available to ChartWare® EMR users and coding of clinical information is made available from ChartWare® EMR data directly to the practice management system users in the case of bi-directional interfaces.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

Chartware's EMR streamlines clinical workflow

What's the real return on your investment with ChartWare's Electronic Medical Record? It's not just a question of revenue gains achieved, when using the ChartWare EMR, exceeding lowered medical office operating expenses.To account for the true impact of EMR in your medical facility you have to look at how clinical workflow efficiency benefits you,the health care provide, your medical organization and the people it serves, your patients. If you improve how you, the health care provider delivers health care you can enhance professional clinical quality and patient satisfaction. With ChartWare's electronic medical record you can effectively manage health care delivery processes and restore focus on addressing patient health needs. With ChartWare you achieve better medical practice management, better clinical workflow, better health care quality and a return on investment that goes well beyond the simple cost-savings associated with providing medical care. Hand written patient health records are clinically inferior and more expensive to maintain than the electronic health record or EHR. Providing your patients with their health records in an electronic format is easily accomplished when you capture clinical data while charting with ChartWare.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare delivers an intuitive electronic documentation tool

ChartWare users save hours in daily patient care and clinical documentation in their medical practices. The range of scenarios health care providers face on a daily basis that are associated with paper health records can affect both medical practice management and clinical performance. Under clinical documentation associated with patient medical encounters in your medical practice can compromise everything from clinical information accuracy at the point of patient care to accounts receivable management. Over clinical documentation can create a medical practice liability. The challenge in finding the right electronic medical record or EMR solution involves ensuring your electronic medical record documentation system reflects your real medical practice workflow. ChartWare electronic medical record offers a proven EMR system that addresses this need.

ChartWare's electronic medical record is unlike conventional EMR software, ChartWare delivers an intuitive electronic medical record keeping system that works the way doctors really work at the point of medical care. With ChartWare's EMR you, the health care provider can eliminate the inefficiencies associated with outdated medical office practices like paper health records and hours of clinical dictation in favor of a streamlined process of electronic medical record-keeping.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare a Better way to Practice

The ChartWare electronic medical record system is an outline-based clinical charting tool with the flexibility of health care provider practice-driven variations, The Chartware EMR makes clinical documentation remarkably fast and easy at the point of clinical encounter. The end result is a better professional medical practice workflow: improved clinical accuracy, more readily available patient health information and a significant reduction in daily clinical documentation chores that affect the quality of patient health care and your medical practice management alike. There's no question that the transition from paper medical care charts to an electronic medical record or EMR requires an initial investment in time and training.It's also clear that the cost of delaying the implementation of an electronic medical record or EMR amounts to far greater losses of medical practice resources and revenue over the long term. With Chartware's electronic medical record system, what your medical practice gains in efficiency, quality of medical service and overhead reduction typically pays for your EMR investment in the first six months. More importantly, you save time exponentially in the long-term and the improvements to professional quality of life for a busy health care provider can be felt daily. Chartware customers report dramatically improved performance across their business.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

Texas health care provider depends on Chartware

One of the most satisfying features of ChartWare's electronic medical record-keeping, EMR and EHR is the hassle it saves, says Dr John Tilley, a medical provider in Texas. He now has access to patient medical records through the Internet. ChartWare's EMR and EHR provides him access to his medical records and clinical data through the Internet, "When I’m at home I can review new clinical lab results for my patients and leave health care instructions for my nurse. I can check up on medical referrals, print prescriptions, chart phone calls, do anything as if I were in my medical office. My nurse doesn’t have to wait while I sift through medical lab reports before she can get on with her work, and I’m not distracted or delayed while providing health care to my patients" says Tilley. He is a health care provider with over 20 years of medical practice experience and has been using ChartWare's EMR to keep his patients' medical records and EHRs for 18 months. The health care providers at his medical practice using ChartWare's EMR and EHR now share medical data, quickly and accurately, with other health care providers. He also likes ChartWare's flexibility as this EMR adapts easily to the wide range of patients and clinical practice styles.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

After a 10 year search, one doctor finds that ChartWare is the only choice

"I searched for an electronic medical record program, EMR and EHR for more than 10 years and found nothing suitable until I came across ChartWare's EMR. It is the only electronic medical record system I know of that can meet my needs as a busy primary care physician." So says Dr. David Chan, a busy health care provider in Nevada, who started using the ChartWare EMR five years ago.

"Knowing that I wanted the accuracy and efficiency that an electronic medical record, EMR could give me, I researched a whole range of EMR and EHR systems. Some EMR and EHR systems were good at this, some that. But none of the electronic medical record systems that I saw could do the entire job satisfactorily. Some clinical health care electronic medical record-keeping systems were too cumbersome, others had been written by programmers who didn’t have the clinical experience of dealing with real life primary medical care." Dr. Chan took a 2 ˝ day course at to learn ChartWare’s EMR/EHR. In two or three weeks of practicing with ChartWare's electronic medical record system he reported being confident enough to use the Chartware electronic medical record, EMR/EHR during clinical encounters.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

Award winning doctor relies on Chartware

One of 12 medical physicians given Minnesota Medical Association’s inaugural Leadership in Quality awards was health care provider, Dr. Tim Malling for introducing and developing an electronic medical record keeping system or EMR/EHR for Paynesville Area Healthcare System, in Minnesota, which has seven health care clinics and a medical emergency room. Medical provider Dr. Tim Malling won the medical award for improving health care with the implementation of ChartWare's electronic medical record system a cutting edge EMR/EHR. "Having an electronic medical record system such as ChartWare's EMR/EHR, that produces logically-arranged and legible medical records that we can access at any time has made us better doctors," Malling says. The electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR we chose ChartWare's EMR -- allows us to do anything we want. I don’t think there is another electronic medical record, EMR/EHR, program out there that would meet the needs of a diverse group of health care providers like ours. The improvements in clinical efficiency with ChartWare's electronic medical record system can be seen most clearly in the practice’s medical emergency room where many patients arrive without any precise idea of their clinical history.

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ChartWare Electronic Medical Records

ChartWare technology lowers the risk of medical error

Technology will eventually play a major role and as the information overload gets worse there is really no other solution that is tenable,according to Dr Kevin Johnson, of Vanderbilt School of Medicine, a panel member. ChartWare's CEO Dr. David Tully-Smith agrees. With computerized electronic medical record-keeping, EMR and electronic health records, EHR the same health care providers who prescribe a drug can now order it directly using ChartWare's electronic medical record, EMR/EHR a computerized electronic medical record-keeping system. The health care provider no longer asks a medical assistant, who may not be familiar with the the drug, to try to read their writing and their personal abbreviations and call it in to a pharmacy. Even if there is no mistake with clinical data on paper medical records at the time, future problems often occur when the paper medical record cannot be found. When a medical provider using ChartWare's electronic medical record system, EMR/EHR prescribes a drug, it is automatically entered not just into the prescription medical record but also into a list of medications the patient is taking and the clinical treatment log too. That alone radically lowers the chances of a dangerous medical error when the patient needs further clinical treatment.

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ChartWare EMR Five Star Rated Electronic Medical Record (EMR).

What Users Say

Find out how the ChartWare Electronic Medical Record (EMR) can improve your practice today.

“I can't conceive of going back to dictation or handwritten notes.
I estimate ChartWare EMR saves me around $45,000 a year in pay and benefits. ”

Dr. Cecil George Rural Health & Family Practice Customer since 1997

Case Study: Converting to an EMR after 20 years in practice.
Texas Avenue Medical Clinic in Bryan, Texas

Challenge: Texas Avenue is an established healthcare facility with over 20 years in practice. Operating 7 days per week, with 17 employees, the practice needed to migrate from paper charting into the electronic age. For the project to be successful the new electronic medical record system had to be user friendly, be a full feature EMR and have a proven track record. Having already invested thousands of dollars for their practice management system, Centricity, successfully integrating the new EMR with the practice management system was paramount to this project.

Solution: Lisa Ketchum, business manager at Texas Avenue did her research and discovered that ChartWare was the only electronic record system suitable for large and small facilities to have been awarded five stars in a survey by Family Practice Management, official journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Ms. Ketchum was very impressed with the enthusiastic and glowing references ChartWare received from physicians who had implemented ChartWare and needed it to work with their practice management system. The ChartWare programmers were able to develop an interface enabling ChartWare to share patient data with Texas Avenue's Centricity system for billing and scheduling purposes.

Results: Following 3 days of ChartWare training the entire practice was up and running with their new EMR. Because ChartWare was installed with a deep clinical vocabulary no time was lost building templates. The computerization of note taking during the clinical encounter has benefited not only the practice but the patients as well. Prescriptions and patient aftercare instructions are generated during the charting process making them readily available and legible. Today, Texas Avenue Medical Clinic is taking full advantage of all the benefits of automating the clinical potion of their practice and they did it without the pain normally associated with most conversions.

Case Study: ChartWare EMR resolves Medicare concerns.
William Marsh, M.D. of Scottsdale, Arizona

Challenge: Dr. Marsh's practice serves a patient population of primarily elderly individuals on Medicare. Many of his patients have difficulty remembering all of their medications, not to mention the dosing instructions. Patients also tend to have difficulty explaining to a family member the instructions given to them by the doctor; consequently non-billable time is spent on the phone going over the instructions again. The charting time and follow up documentation required to ensure quality patient care and comply with the Medicare fee schedule was becoming overwhelming for the doctor and his staff. Often Dr. Marsh found himself under-billing for fear that he might over-charge by mistake and be faced with a Medicare fine.

Solution: Dr. Marsh realized that having the ChartWare electronic medical record would address not only the needs of his patients but his documentation and coding concerns as well. ChartWare was so flexible that he could automate his practice without changing his style of practice. He and his staff attended a three-day ChartWare course followed by 2 days of onsite training. Within days they were up and running, in three months they were confident and after six months none of them had the desire to ever go back to their old methods.

Results: "The patients love it," he says, "and I love it too." The notes are now so clear and so quickly made that the patients are given a copy as they leave, with all the information they need, plain to see. When caregivers want to know what happened at the appointment patients no longer have to rack their memories. Everything is listed, orderly and legibly. Medication logs and problems and allergy lists are automatically updated in the patient's chartfile. As for Medicare, Dr. Marsh is no longer under-coding and the documentation is there for anyone to see, recorded at the time of the visit. "My income is up, my costs are down and I can get all my work done in seven hours a day. It's probably the best investment I've ever made."

Case Study: Paper Charts don't work for 24-hour Comprehensive Care.
Primary Caring of Malibu, California

Challenge: David Baron, M.D., Primary Caring of Malibu, California, needed a powerful and versatile electronic medical record system to satisfy the sophisticated clientele that he would serve when he opened his concierge-style medical practice in 2004. Dr. Baron wanted on-demand access to the complete patient medical record from anywhere at any time in order to provide comprehensive 24 hour, 7 day per week care in his office, in patients' homes or at their worksites.

Solution: With an overwhelming variety of systems to choose from, Dr. Baron hired a seasoned health care consultant to assess the electronic medical record products available before making his purchase decision. ChartWare met his requirements as well as enabling him to provide his patients with a wallet-sized CD-ROM or key chain-styled USB memory drive containing copies of their medical records.

Results: ChartWare met Dr. Baron's requirements as well as offering an entirely paperless office. He says he will never go back to paper because ChartWare is so much better for his staff and undeniably guarantees better quality of care for his patients.

Case Study: Healthcare system finds an EMR that won't slow them down.
Paynesville Area Healthcare System, Paynesville, Minnesota

Challenge: This rural healthcare system operates multiple sites each with a varied mix of inpatient and outpatient services. The sites include a hospital with an emergency department, a long term care facility and 7 clinics. Ancillary services include acupuncture, physical therapy, lab, x-ray and pharmacy. Because the healthcare system is geographically fragmented each individual site was maintaining a separate paper chart. Paynesville's goal was to find a cost effective EMR that could be centrally located but widely accessible from their multiple sites. Other requisite EMR attributes affecting the selection process included ease of use, adaptability to customization requests and features such as alternative data entry formats, reminders, medication lists and search capabilities for quality assurance research.

Solution: Dr. Timothy Malling's search for an EMR took several years and over 20 vendors were reviewed. He knew that ChartWare had what Paynesville was ultimately looking for. ChartWare's clinical knowledge base could easily satisfy the EMR needs of the Paynesville healthcare system while possessing the necessary flexibility to meet users' requests for modifications. There would be no need spend the first 6 months building our clinical vocabulary. Unlike the other EMRs ChartWare would not require providers to reduce their production in order to learn the system.

Results: ChartWare has kept pace with the needs of a growing healthcare system without compromising either productivity or quality of care. Providers spend less time charting and do not stay late to get caught up because most notes are finished by the time the patient encounter is completed. The nursing staff is very happy with ChartWare as they now have on demand access to a complete patient medical record making nursing care more about nursing and less about finding the chart. The physicians taking call have a patient's entire medical history, medications and problems and allergy lists at their fingertips. ChartWare has enhanced not only patient care but the bottom line as well.

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